Studying Abroad is one of the most expansive experiences a young student can have, not only living and studying in a country, but being able to travel widely while away from home. I was lucky when I studied in France many moons ago because the dollar was strong and a semester abroad was actually less expensive than a semester on campus in Connecticut.

Nearly every weekend I took off for London, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Holland or Italy. I remember sewing a Canadian patch on my backpack before a foray through Europe because of the palpable dislike for Reaganomics and small acts of terrorism against Americans: small potatoes compared to travelers’ fears today.

These days, the economic slowdown and global tensions make a year in another country out of reach or out of the question for many. So you might think that there has been a decrease in student travel, but no, according to a recent New York Times article, study abroad is not only on the rise, it is flourishing.

This is good news for all us travel buffs; it means a new generation is getting out and seeing the world. Where are students going? The top five countries where student travel has increased dramatically in the last few years are Ecuador, South Africa, Argentina, China and India. Many schools are expanding their programs to keep up with the high demand, particularly for China. Interestingly USC, NYU and Columbia receive the most foreign students.

Filed Under Africa & Middle East, Argentina, Budget Travel, Ecuador, Europe, Feature, France, Hike/Backpack, Netherlands, Rome, South America, Spain, Student Travel, Travel, United Kingdom


2 Responses to “Study Abroad Flourishes”

  1. Lindsay on November 21st, 2008 1:56 pm

    This is great news. It is encouraging to see that so many students understand the value of studying abroad, especially in these difficult economic times. I am also happy to see increased interest in more non-traditional destinations like Ecuador and China. Let’s hope this trend continues!

  2. Darya Mead on November 21st, 2008 6:34 pm

    I agree, I hope, too, that some form of Peace Corps is resurrected / re-invigorated in the next few years. The more we can get young people globe trotting the richer their education and global perspective will be.


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